segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

Kodak desenvolve sensor

A Kodak desenvolveu um novo sensor que promete maior qualidade nas fotografias tiradas com pouca luminosidade.

Caracterizada pela sua alta sensibilidade, a inovação apresentada pela Eastman Kodak permitirá melhorar consideravelmente a qualidade das fotografias tiradas com pouca luz.

Em comparação com o sensor normalmente utilizado, o 'Bayer' - assim chamado em homenagem ao seu inventor, Bryce Bayer - que integra a grande maioria dos equipamentos Kodak, o novo sensor promete melhor performance, já que é sensível a todas as frequências de luz.

Com a nova tecnologia, que deverá começar a ser aplicada às máquinas fotográficas da empresa a partir de 2008, será possível fotografar melhor em condições de menor luminosidade, conferindo à imagem final menos 'ruído'.

A sensibilidade à luz tem-se tornado um problema crescente com o advento das máquinas digitais, uma vez que, quanto maior for a sua capacidade a nível de pixéis, mais aumentam os níveis de 'ruído' nos sensores.

O sensor 'Bayer' é composto por pixéis sensíveis ao vermelho, ao verde e ao azul. Neste caso, a luminosidade é controlada pelos pixéis verdes, enquanto os pixéis azuis e vermelhos se ocupam das informações relativas à cor.

No novo sensor, metade dos pixéis são pancromáticos - sensíveis a todas as frequências de luz. Esta característica possibilita que as informações relativas à luminosidade sejam recolhidas com uma sensibilidade muito maior do que a conseguida pelo “Bayer”.
Simultaneamente, todos os pixéis vermelhos, verdes e azuis fornecem ao sensor as informações relativas à cor.

sábado, fevereiro 03, 2007

Venda as sua fotos

Mais do mesmo ou seja, mais um site bem interessante para vender as suas fotos.

Make money from your photos with

Venda as sua fotos

Um belo site para fazer uns trocos com o nosso passa-tempo.

Inscrevam-se que vale bem a pena


sexta-feira, outubro 13, 2006

3º Concurso Nacional de Fotografia

À semelhança dos anos anteriores, a Câmara Municipal do Entroncamento através dos Serviços de Juventude, vai promover o 3º Concurso Nacional de Fotografia Jovem, este ano, subordinado, ao tema “Gentes do Entroncamento”.

Este concurso encontra-se aberto a todos os jovens entre os 15 e os 35 anos, residentes e não residentes no concelho do Entroncamento.
Serão atribuídos prémios, nos valores de 500€ para o 1º classificado, 250€ para o 2º classificado e 125€ para o 3º classificado. A recepção dos trabalhos decorre até dia 31 de Outubro 2006.

Para mais esclarecimentos, os interessados poderão consultar o regulamento do concurso, aqui disponível, ou consultar os Serviços de Juventude da Câmara Municipal, pelo telefone: 249 720 400 ou através do e-mail:

Regulamento do concurso

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terça-feira, outubro 10, 2006

Nova18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS / New 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS

Nova sigam 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS

  • Equipada com a tecnologia OS (Optical Stabilizer) da Sigma.

  • Dois elementos SLD (Special Low Dispersion) e duas lentes esféricas proporcionam uma excelente de dodo o tipo de aberrações cromáticas.

A Sigma tem o prazer de anunciar a nova lente 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC com establizador de imagem (OS). Esta lente  zoom é projetada exclusivamente para câmeras de DSLR  e cobre uma extensa gama de distancias focais, desde a grande angular até telefoto. É equipada com a tecnologia da Sigma OS (Estabilizador Óptico). Esta função usa dois sensores dentro da lente que detetam movimento vertical e horizontal da câmera e mantendo a imagem constante no sensor compensando assim as oscilações da câmera. Detecta o movimento da câmera automaticamente e compensa a oscilação da câmera ao fotografar temas de acção. Duas lentes SLD(Special Low Dispersion) e duas lentes esféricas fornecem uma excelente correção excelente para todos os tipos de aberrações. O multi-camada que cobre a lente reduz o flare o ghosting. Esta lente provê qualidade de imagem superior ao longo de toda a gama de zoom. Um sistema focgem interno elimina rotação de lente, o que favorece a utilização de filtros polarizadores circulares e para-luz de pétala que acompanham a lente.

New 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS

  • Equipped with Sigma’s own unique technology OS (Optical Stabilizer) function.

  • Two SLD (Special Low Dispersion) glass elements and two aspherical lenses provide excellent correction for all types of optical aberrations.

The Sigma Corporation is please to announce the new 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS lens. This high zoom ratio lens is exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras and is capable of covering a wide range of focal lengths from wide angle to telephoto. It is equipped with Sigma’s own unique technology OS (Optical Stabilizer) function. This function uses two sensors inside the lens to detect vertical and horizontal movement of the camera and works by moving an optical image stabilizing lens group, to effectively compensate for camera shake. It automatically detects movement of the camera and compensates for camera shake when shooting moving subject such as motor sports. Two SLD(Special Low Dispersion)glass elements and two aspherical lenses provide excellent correction for all types of aberrations. The super multi-layer lens coating reduces flare and ghosting. This lens provides superior image quality throughout the entire zoom range. An inner focusing system eliminates front lens rotation, making the lens particularly suitable for using circular polarizing filters and the petal-type lens hood supplied.

quarta-feira, outubro 04, 2006

Nikon firmware for D200, D2X and D2Hs

A Nikon anunciou hoje o lançamento da nova versão 2.0 do firmware para 3 das suas DSLR's. A D200 ganha suporte para o transmissor wireless WT-3 e autenticação de imagens pelo menu. Os upgrades para a D2X e D2Hs são mais extensos e incluem definições adicionais para o ISO na D2X, Melhorias no auto-focus e menu de opções, novas opções de processamento de imagens, etc.

Nota: O download do novo firmware deve ser feito pelo centro de suporte regional e pode ainda não estar disponivel em todas as linguas

Nikon has today issued firmware version 2.0 for three of its digital SLRs. The D200 gets support for the WT-3 wireless transmitter and image authentication via the menu (the use of which requires optional software). Updates to the D2X and D2Hs are far more extensive (probably the largest list of updates we've ever seen implemented by firmware) and include additional ISO settings on the D2X, auto-focus improvements, changes to menu options, new image processing options and playback information.

Phil: Note that new firmware should be downloaded from your regional support site and isn't yet available on all language sites (although is expected to be available everywhere by the end of the day). Major Kudos to Nikon for delivering such a wide range of new features to existing customers by firmware.

Nikon D200 firmware version 2.0

  • Support for the wireless transmitter WT-3 has been added.

  • An Image authentication option has been added to the cameras setup menu. For full functionality the optional Nikon Image Authentication Software is required to authenticate images.

Nikon D2X firmware version 2.0

  • H 0.3 (equivalent to ISO 1000), H 0.5 (equivalent to ISO 1100) and H 0.7 (equivalent to ISO 1250) options have been added between the ISO 800 and H 1 settings in the ISO menu.

  • Autofocus subject acquisition and tracking performance has been improved.

  • A Black-and-white (sRGB) option has been added to the Color mode option in the shooting menu.

  • A new Trim function has been added to the shooting menu.

  • Up to 3 custom tone curves can now be downloaded to the camera for use with the Custom Tone compensation option.
    Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.4.2) Camera Control or Camera Control Pro with Ver. 1.1.1 and later is required to download 3 custom tone curves to the camera.

  • An Image authentication option has been added to the setup menu.
    The optional Image Authentication Software is required to authenticate images.

  • A Save/load settings item has been added to the setup menu.

  • The Mirror lock-up option in the setup menu has been modified to function with battery power as well as AC-adapter power.

  • The Lock-On option in the CSM menu now offers 4 options: Long, Normal (default), Short, and Off.

  • Max. sensitivity and Min. shutter speed options have been added to the ISO auto menu.

  • The Maximum shots option in the CSM menu has been updated to support a maximum setting of 60 shots.

  • The FUNC. button item in the CSM menu has been divided into 2 separate items labelled FUNC. button and FUNC. + command.

  • A Recent settings item has been added to the setup menu.

  • The shooting data of an image in the playback photo-information display now includes. Focus mode (S/C/M) and Vibration reduction* (on/off)
    *Displayed only when the image was captured with a VR lens.

  • Latitude and longitude GPS data now displays up to 3 digits* for each segment.
    *3-digit display may not be possible with some GPS devices.

  • A compass bearing is displayed in the GPS data, if used with a GPS device is equipped with digital compass.

Nikon D2Hs firmware version 2.0

  • Autofocus subject acquisition and tracking performance has been improved.

  • Up to 3 custom tone curves can now be downloaded to the camera for use with the Custom Tone compensation option.
    Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.4.2) Camera Control or Camera Control Pro with Ver. 1.1.1 and later is required to download 3 custom tone curves to the camera.

  • An Image authentication option has been added to the setup menu.
    The optional Image Authentication Software is required to authenticate images.

  • A Save/load settings item has been added to the setup menu.

  • The Mirror lock-up option in the setup menu has been modified to function with battery power as well as AC-adapter power.

  • The Lock-On option in the CSM menu now offers 4 options: Long, Normal (default), Short, and Off.

  • Max. sensitivity and Min. shutter speed options have been added to the ISO auto menu.

  • The Maximum shots option in the CSM menu has been updated to support a maximum setting of 60 shots.

  • A Recent settings item has been added to the setup menu.

  • The shooting data of an image in the playback photo-information display now includes. Focus mode (S/C/M) and Vibration reduction* (on/off)
    *Displayed only when the image was captured with a VR lens.

  • Latitude and longitude GPS data now displays up to 3 digits* for each segment.
    *3-digit display may not be possible with some GPS devices.

  • A compass bearing is displayed in the GPS data, if used with a GPS device is equipped with digital compass.


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sexta-feira, setembro 22, 2006

Corrija a exposição

Corrija a exposição

Nesta lição, vamos mostrar como os fotógrafos podem corrigir a exposição com as ferramentas do Photoshop

Altair Hoppe

Por mais experiente que o fotógrafo seja, com certeza, em algum momento da carreira ele regulou o fotômetro, a velocidade ou a abertura de forma inadequada. Resultado: fotos subexpostas ou superexpostas. Para quem está iniciando e não está acostumado aos termos fotográficos, uma foto subexposta significa que a imagem está escura demais. Enquanto uma foto superexposta está clara demais.

O erro de exposição causa um efeito devastador na imagem. Em ambos os casos, a fotografia fica sem definição precisa nas cores e nos elementos. Apesar do estrago, o Photoshop possui muitos recursos eficientes para corrigir a exposição. Vamos mostrar um dos recursos mais fáceis e produtivos. Com um pouco de dedicação e paciência, o fotógrafo chega a uma exposição com níveis perfeitos de brilho e contraste.

Para solucionar a subexposição

Abra o arquivo (fig. 1). Veja que a foto está subexposta, ou seja, a imagem está muito escura. Mal dá para ver a modelo. Para corrigir, duplique a camada com o atalho Ctrl J. A seguir acesse na paleta Camadas a caixa Modos de Mesclagem e selecione a opção Subexposição Linear (fig. 2). Observe que as cores foram clareadas e também houve um aumento de brilho em toda a fotografia. Nesse caso, a foto ficou clara demais, inclusive estourando os brancos. Por isso, acessamos a paleta Camadas e diminuímos a opacidade para 75% (fig. 3). Regule essa opção até a exposição ficar adequada. Veja o resultado final do ajuste na figura 4. O efeito é quase idêntico a uma exposição correta pela câmera. Nos Modos de Mesclagem outra opção para clarear a imagem é a Divisão. Se necessário, depois da mesclagem, podemos fazer os ajustes finos com o comando Níveis (Ctrl L) ou Curvas (Ctrl M).

Para solucionar a superexposição

Veja a figura 5. A foto está superexposta, ou seja, a imagem está muito clara. O primeiro passo é duplicar a camada com o atalho Ctrl J. Agora acesse na paleta Camadas a caixa Modos de Mesclagem e selecione a opção Superexposição Linear (fig. 6). Observe que num piscar de olhos as áreas claras da foto são escurecidas. Se a mesclagem ficar escura demais, regula a opção Opacidade na paleta Camadas para reduzir o efeito. A figura 7 mostra o resultado final da correção.

Se após a mesclagem por Subexposição ou Superexposição a foto ainda permanecer clara ou escura demais, duplique novamente a camada com o atalho Ctrl J para dobrar o efeito da correção. São raros os casos onde não há jeito de corrigir problemas de exposição no Photoshop. Tenha sempre paciência e capricho para fazer uma correção perfeita. No Photoshop CS2 foi introduzido o comando Exposure dentro do menu Imagem > Ajustes, que é mais um recurso interessante para os fotógrafos acertarem a exposição. Para quem ainda usa o Photoshop CS, outro recurso interessante é o comando Sombra/Realce. Antes de escolher um método, teste os comandos e veja qual dá os melhores resultados. Até a próxima!

Altair Hoppe é autor dos livros Adobe Photoshop para fotógrafos e Fotografia digital sem mistérios.

Figura 01

Figura 02

Figura 03

Figura 04

Figura 05

Figura 06

Figura 07


sexta-feira, agosto 25, 2006

Nova Canon EOS 400D/ Digital Rebel XTi

Worldwide naming

  • Canon EOS 400D (Europe / Asia / Elsewhere)

  • Canon Digital Rebel XTi (North America)

  • Canon EOS Kiss Digital X (Japan)

Major new features / changes

  • 10 megapixel CMOS sensor

  • Separate low pass filter with ultra-sonic vibration to remove dust

  • Anti-static coatings on sensor surface, software based dust mapping / removal

  • Nine area Auto Focus sensor (same as EOS 30D)

  • Picture Styles, larger range of image parameter adjustment (same as EOS 30D)

  • Faster image processing

  • Removal of control panel LCD display, now uses main LCD monitor

  • Proximity sensor below viewfinder eyepiece to disable main LCD during composition

  • Camera settings made on main LCD (such as metering, white balance, ISO, AF area etc.)

  • Setting adjustment saved with half-press of shutter release

  • Continuous shooting buffer up to 27 JPEG and 10 RAW images

  • Large 2.5" LCD monitor with 160° viewing angle

  • Image magnification available in record review

  • Histogram available as brightness (Luminance) or RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

  • Traditional Chinese language (in addition to Simplified Chinese)

  • Up to 9999 images per folder on storage card

  • Lower introductory list price ($100 lower)

What's missing?
(at first glance)

  • No programmable Auto ISO (such as seen on the Nikon D80, almost 'ISO priority')

  • No spot metering

  • Settings such as ISO not repeated on viewfinder status bar while being adjusted

  • Mirror lock-up buried in a custom menu

  • Hand grip virtually identical to that of the EOS 350D / Digital Rebel XT

Press Release:

EOS 400D set to meet massive consumer demand

Amstelveen, The Netherlands, 24 August 2006: Canon today announces its next generation D-SLR: the EOS 400D. Featuring a 10.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor, new EOS Integrated Cleaning System, larger and brighter 2.5” LCD and 9-point AF, the model is predicted to take the lead as the world’s most popular camera. It is positioned above the EOS 350D, currently the fastest selling SLR camera of all time.

Canon’s EOS 300D, the world’s first consumer D-SLR, kick started a digital revolution in 2003. “We are now witnessing a mass consumer trend towards D‑SLR,” said Mogens Jensen, Head of Canon Consumer Imaging Europe.

Consumer research shows it is not only existing film SLR owners now switching to digital SLR photography. “On top of the existing 21 million analogue EOS shooters, a completely new profile of consumer is adopting digital EOS and driving growth,” said Jensen. “With European household penetration having only just hit 3%, the question now is not ‘will this market be big’, but ‘how big will this market become’.”

The EOS 400D features

  • 10.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor

  • Canon’s EOS Integrated Cleaning System

  • 2.5” LCD screen with 230K pixels and 160º viewing angle

  • High-precision 9 point AF system

  • Picture Style image processing parameters

  • DIGIC II image processor with 0.2 sec start up

  • Digital Photo Professional RAW processing software

  • Compact and Lightweight body

  • Fully compatible with all Canon EF and EF-S lenses and EX-series Speedlites

Canon is the only D-SLR brand to own and manufacture the sensor, processor and lenses in house. “EOS photographers benefit from 20 years of ongoing research investment into EOS,” said Jensen. “EOS photographers have the great advantage of owning a system camera in which every element is designed at a very fundamental level to work as a balanced, integrated whole. It is one reason why more than 70% of registered photographers at the Athens Olympics shot on EOS.” With EOS, Canon aims to provide consumers with the widest and most expandable camera system available, including over 60 EF lenses and Speedlite flash units.

Improved Performance

As well as the EOS Integrated Cleaning System, the EOS 400D incorporates a number of developments over the EOS 350D. Resolution increases from 8.0 to 10.1 Megapixels, using the superior hi-sensitivity, hi-speed, low-noise CMOS technology now found in all six EOS Digital models. At nearly twice the size of the EOS 350D display, the 2.5” hi-resolution LCD is the brightest in the EOS range and now displays all of key shooting and user interface information along with image playback. The AF system expands from 7 to 9-point, with a highly sensitive f/2.8 center point for exceptional performance in low light. Even with the image resolution increase, maximum frame burst almost doubles from 14 to 27 large JPEGs and from 5 to 10 RAW.

Dust reduction

The EOS 400D is the first camera to incorporate the EOS Integrated Cleaning System. Based on significant research into the causes of dust in D-SLR cameras, the system combats dust in three important ways: Reduce, Repel and Remove.

  1. Reduce - Internal camera mechanisms are designed to minimise dust generation. The body cap is redesigned to prevent dust generation through wear on the cap itself.

  2. Repel - Anti-static technologies are applied to the low-pass filter covering the front of the sensor so as not to attract dust.

  3. Remove - A Self-Cleaning Sensor Unit uses hi-frequency vibrations to shake dust from the low pass filter for a period of approximately one second after each start up. For instant shooting after power up, this feature is disabled immediately the shutter release is depressed.

Canon has also developed an internal Dust Delete Data system, which can map the position of any visible dust on the sensor. This can then be deleted automatically after the shoot with the latest Digital Photo Professional software.

The EOS advantage

The EOS 400D inherits a number of advanced features proven in higher-end EOS models, such as the EOS 30D and 5D. These include its 9-point AF system, Picture Style (see Appendix: Technologies Explained), 9,999 image capacity folders and expanded Pictbridge functionality.

The EOS 400D also incorporates the same DIGIC II processor found across the EOS range right through to EOS‑1 professional models (see Appendix ‘Technologies Explained’). As well as providing superior image quality through advanced rendering algorithms and almost instant 0.2 second start up time, DIGIC II’s accelerated processing prioritises the photographer’s ability to keep shooting by clearing the buffer quickly between frame bursts.


The upgrade path to the EOS 400D from earlier EOS models is made easy by maintaining the same intuitive user interface and basic layout of key features and functions. Photographers are also able to use the same battery and Battery Grip BG-E3 as used on the EOS 350D, as well as continued support for all EF and EF-S lenses, EX Speedlites and EOS accessories.


Consistent with the entire EOS Digital range, the EOS 400D is supplied with a comprehensive software suite to help the photographer’s workflow. This includes Digital Photo Professional (DPP), a powerful RAW converter that provides complete RAW image processing control. DPP also integrates with camera features such as the Dust Delete Data and Picture Style. The camera also comes with EOS Capture, Image/Zoom Browser and Photostitch, plus 100MB of personal online space on CANON iMAGE GATEWAY, Canon’s online photo sharing service.

Canon EOS 400D / Digital Rebel XTi specifications

List price (US) *

• Body only: $799
• Kit: $899 (with 18-55 mm lens)

International naming • US: Canon Rebel Digital XTi
• Japan: Canon EOS Kiss Digital X
• Elsewhere: Canon EOS 400D
Body material Plastic (Stainless Steel chassis)
Sensor * • 10.1 million effective pixels
• 10.5 million total pixels
• 22.2 x 14.8 mm CMOS sensor
• RGB Color Filter Array
• Built-in low-pass filter
• 3:2 aspect ratio
Dust reduction * • Low-pass filter vibration at power-on (can be interrupted)
• Anti-static coating on sensor surfaces
• Software based dust-removal (camera maps dust, removed later)
Image sizes * • 3888 x 2592 (L)
• 2816 x 1880 (M)
• 1936 x 1288 (S)
Output formats • RAW (.CR2)
• RAW (.CR2) + JPEG Large/Fine
• JPEG (EXIF 2.21) - Fine, Normal
Image processor DIGIC II
Lenses • Canon EF / EF-S lens mount
• 1.6x field of view crop
Focus modes • Auto Focus
• Manual Focus (switch on lens)
Auto Focus • 9-point CMOS sensor *
• AF working range: -0.5 to 18 EV (at 23°C, ISO 100) *
AF modes • AI Focus
• One shot
• AI Servo
AF point selection • Auto
• Manual
AF assist Flash strobe
Shooting modes • Auto
• Program AE (P)
• Shutter priority AE (Tv)
• Aperture priority AE (Av)
• Manual (M)
• Auto depth-of-field
• Portrait
• Landscape
• Close-up
• Sports
• Night portrait
• Flash off
Metering • TTL 35-zone SPC
• Metering range: EV 1.0 - 20 EV (at 23°C, ISO 100, 50 mm F1.4)
Metering modes • Evaluative 35-zone
• Partial 9% at center
• Center-weighted average
AE Lock AE lock button
AE Bracketing • +/- 2.0 EV
• 0.5 or 0.3 EV increments
Exposure compen.

• +/- 2.0 EV
• 0.5 or 0.3 EV increments


• Auto (100 - 400)
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
• ISO 800
• ISO 1600

Shutter • Focal-plane shutter
• 30 - 1/4000 sec (0.5 or 0.3 EV steps)
• Flash X-Sync: 1/200 sec
• Bulb
Aperture values • F1.0 - F91 (0.3 EV steps)
• Actual aperture range depends on lens used
White balance  • Auto
 • Daylight
 • Shade
 • Cloudy
 • Tungsten
 • Fluorescent
 • Flash
 • Custom
WB Bracketing • +/-3 levels
• 3 images
• Selectable Blue/Amber or Magenta/Green bias *
WB fine-tuning • Blue (-9) To Amber (+9)
• Magenta (-9) to Green (+9)
Color space • sRGB
• Adobe RGB
Picture style * • Standard
• Portrait
• Landscape
• Neutral
• Faithful
• Monochrome
• User 1
• User 2
• User 3
Custom image parameters * • Sharpness: 0 to 7
• Contrast: -4 to +4
• Saturation: -4 to +4
• Color tone: -4 to +4
• B&W filter: N, Ye, Or, R, G
• B&W tone: N, S, B, P, G
Drive modes • Single
• Continuous: 3.0 fps up to 27 JPEG / 10 RAW frames *
• Self-timer 10 secs (3 sec with mirror lock-up)
Mirror lockup Yes (custom function)
Viewfinder • Pentamirror
• 95% frame coverage
• Magnification: 0.8x (-1 diopter with 50 mm lens at infinity)
• Eyepoint: 21 mm
• Dioptric adjustment: -3.0 to +1.0 diopter
• Fixed laser matte screen
• Proximity sensor disables LCD shooting mode information *
Viewfinder info • AF points
• AF/FE lock
• Shutter Speed
• Aperture
• Exposure Level / Compensation
• Max. burst
• AF/MF focus confirmation
• CF warning
DOF preview Yes, button
LCD monitor * • 2.5" TFT LCD
• 230,000 pixels
• Wide viewing angle
• 7 brightness levels
• Up to 10x zoom playback
LCD shooting mode information • Shutter speed
• Aperture
• Sensitivity (ISO)
• Exposure mode
• Meter / Exposure compenation
• Bracketing
• Flash compensation
• White balance & fine tuning
• Metering mode
• Custom function set
• Auto focus mode
• Drive mode
• Auto focus areas
• Black & white mode
• Beep
• Red-eye reduction
• Image size / quality
• Battery status
• Frames remaining
Record review • Uses last play mode *
• Magnification possible *
• 2 / 4 / 8 sec / Hold
Flash • Auto pop-up E-TTL II auto flash
• Guide number approx 13
• Modes: Auto, Manual Flash On/ Off, Red-Eye Reduction
• X-Sync: 1/200 sec
• Flash exposure compensation: +/-2.0 EV (0.3 or 0.5 EV steps)
• Coverage up to 17 mm focal length (27 mm FOV equiv.)
External flash • E-TTL II auto flash with EX-series Speedlites
• Hot-shoe
Other features • Orientation sensor
• Automatically writes FAT16/FAT32 depending on capacity
Auto rotation • On (playback uses orientation data in file header)
• Off
Playback mode • Single image
• Single image with info (histogram brightness / RGB *)
• Magnified view (1.5 - 10x in 15 steps, browsable)
• 9 image index
• Auto play
• Image rotation
• Jump (by 10, 100 or date)
Custom functions 11 custom functions with 29 settings *
Menu languages

• English
• German
• French
• Dutch
• Danish
• Finnish
• Italian
• Norwegian
• Swedish
• Spanish
• Russian
• Simplified Chinese
• Tradional Chinese *
• Korean
• Japanese

Firmware User upgradable

• USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed)
• Video out
• E3 type wired remote control

Storage • Compact Flash Type I or II
• Microdrive supported
• FAT 12/16 and FAT 32 support
• No CF card supplied
• Up to 9999 images per folder *
Power • Lithium-Ion NB-2LH rechargeable battery (supplied & charger)
• CR2016 Lithium battery (date/time backup)
• Optional ACK-700 AC adapter
Direct printing • Canon Selphy Printers
• Canon Bubble Jet Printers with direct print function
• Canon PIXMA Printers supporting PictBridge
• PictBridge
Dimensions * 127 x 94 x 65 mm (5.0 x 3.7 x 2.5 in)
Weight * • Body (no battery): 514 g (1.1 lb)
• Body (inc battery): 556 g (1.2 lb)
Software *

• Zoom Browser EX / ImageBrowser
• PhotoStitch
• EOS Utility (inc. Remote Capture; Windows & Mac except Mac Intel)
• Digital Photo Professional (Windows / Mac)

Additional images


Technologies Explained

Picture Style

Picture Style pre-sets simplify in-camera control over image qualities. Picture Style pre-sets can be likened to different film types – each one offering a different colour response. Within each selectable pre-set, photographers have control over sharpness, contrast, colour tone and saturation. The camera’s factory default configuration is set to deliver immediately-usable JPEG images without need for additional menu settings. Picture Style presets applied to a RAW image do not degrade the image in any way and can be revised with Canon’s Digital Photo Professional software.

The six pre-sets include: Standard – for crisp, vivid images that don’t require post-processing; Portrait – optimises colour tone and saturation and weakens sharpening to achieve attractive skin tones; Landscape – for punchier greens and blues with stronger sharpening to give a crisp edge to mountain, tree and building outlines; Neutral – ideal for post-processing; Faithful – adjusts colour to match the subject colour when shot under a colour temperature of 5200K; Monochrome – for black and white shooting with a range of filter effects (yellow, orange, red and green) and toning effects (sepia, blue, purple and green). The User Defined Picture Style can be used to store up to three customised pre-sets, or any of the pre-sets available for download from Canon’s web site.


Now found across the EOS range, DIGIC II is a purpose built, dedicated image processor responsible for the high speed calculations necessary in order to providing exceptionally accurate colour reproduction in real time. Canon’s second generation imaging engine, DIGIC II performs the duties of a number of separate processing units to speed processing, save space, and optimise battery life.

Canon’s processor overcomes the trade-off faced by other manufacturers between camera responsiveness and image quality. With its massive capacity, DIGIC II treats every image with the full complex processing algorithms required in order to deliver superb EOS picture quality, while enabling extended continuous shooting bursts.


Canon’s CMOS technology is one of the company’s key competitive advantages, with noise reduction circuitry at each pixel site delivering virtually noise-free images. In comparison with CCD technology, the lower power consumption characteristics of Canon’s CMOS sensors also help optimise battery usage.

CCD sensors use a bucket relay system to transfer each pixel’s accumulated electrical charge to a corresponding gutter. The operation is time consuming and draws considerable power.

By contrast, signal conversion in Canon’s CMOS sensors is handled by the individual amplifiers at each pixel site. Unnecessary charge transfer operations are avoided, vastly speeding up the process of getting signal to the image processor. Noise generation is reduced, power consumption is limited and faster frame rate potential is increased.

Digital Photo Professional Software

Digital Photo Professional software provides high-speed processing of lossless RAW images. Processing with Digital Photo Professional allows real-time display and immediate application of image adjustments, giving control over RAW image variables such as white balance, dynamic range, exposure compensation and colour tone. Images can be recorded in sRGB or Adobe RGB colour space, and the Digital Photo Professional application supports sRGB, Adobe RGB and Wide Gamut RGB colour spaces. An ICC (International Colour Consortium) profile attaches automatically to RAW images converted to TIFF or JPEG images. This allows faithful reproduction of colours in software applications that support ICC profiles, such as Adobe Photoshop. For improved efficiency, a set of image adjustments can be saved as a recipe and applied t

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